Rocannon's World, Part IV Today we'll be looking at chapters seven, eight, and nine and the epilogue of Le Guin's first published novel, Rocannon's World , from 1966. Last time, we left Rocannon and his companions in the city of the Winged Ones, a previously unknown humanoid species that turns out to eat people. Raho has been killed. Rocannon runs away from the building where he saw them feeding, trying to figure out how he will rescue his friends. He runs into a small fuzzy creature that turns out to be capable of speech, which calls itself a Kiemhrir. The Kiemhrir help Rocannon find his remaining companions, summon their windsteeds, and escape from the city. The group retrieves their gear from their campsite and resumes their trek southward. Kyo reveals that the Fiia have stories about the Kiemhrir, but not the Winged Ones. He describes his own race as "half-people" who remember the good and forget the bad. Crossing the mountains, the grou...